Sunday, September 2, 2012

Starting Over

Three years ago my husband of 20 plus years decided he wanted a divorce. This announcement took me completely by surprise to say the least. Actually surprised is an understatement to describe what I was thinking and feeling. The shock of those words took nearly 2 years to completely sink on. I hit rock bottom and felt like there was no reason to go on. My 20 plues years of marriage, I was a stay-at-hom mother as well as a homeschooling mom. Anyone that has ever done this will be more then willing to tell you it is a JOB! Wife, mother and teacher being my primary job for all those years was wonderful; however, it doens't transfer into real world jobs. All my life I have wanted to be a writer, never expected to be famous or anything of that nature just wanted to write. Now I am starting my life completely over at square one this seemed like the best time to write and put my thoughts on paper/blog